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How to maximize roi using oracle-ACCELQ
Posted On: 8 November 2022

Cloud infrastructure has become key to successful digital transformation for any company or industry domain. As a technology service, cloud computing generated around $400 billion in revenues in 2021. In this guide, we shall discuss how to maximize your ROI using Oracle Cloud.

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How the Oracle Cloud Delivers More ROI

Oracle cloud ROI-ACCELQ

A Nuclear Research study published the following statistics about cloud deployments over the past two years:

  • Return on Investment (ROI) of 4.01x as compared to on-premises deployments. This is up from 3.2x over the previous period of 2 years.
  • 2.5x faster recovery on initial investments

As a complete cloud infrastructure, Oracle Cloud is a public cloud platform that has enabled customers to build and execute a range of cloud applications. Effectively, Oracle Cloud offers multiple benefits like high scalability, efficiency, and security. That said, in terms of its global usage, Oracle Cloud has a share of over 1.2 million websites and is used by 1.17% of the top 10,000 websites.

How does Oracle testing impact your ROI? Let's discuss that next.

How Oracle Testing Can Impact ROI

Most organizations struggle to maximize their ROI when migrating to the Oracle Cloud environment. Oracle testing is among the high-cost factors to consider in cloud migration. Overall, Oracle cloud migration and execution demand thousands of hours of manual testing.

In fact, Oracle Cloud releases major product updates every quarter. This requires at least two rounds of manual testing, which can consume a lot of manual effort, time, and money.

For organizations, the form of Oracle testing can determine the cost of implementing and maintaining their Oracle Cloud environment. Therefore, to maximize their ROI, organizations must look to control the cost of their Oracle Cloud testing.

Here are some of the factors that underline the importance of Oracle testing for your ROI:

  • Business operations are impacted whenever any Oracle Cloud applications fail or break.
  • Cloud migration projects involve multiple processes and system configurations, each of which, obviously requires complete testing.
  • Oracle Cloud integration with other SaaS or on-premises applications.

With the increase in Oracle Cloud applications, organizations incur higher testing costs. Around 80% of Oracle migration projects exceed their duration and budget. And, as testing requirements grow, companies have to hire experienced Oracle testers, thus adding to their wage costs.

How can automated testing improve the ROI from Oracle Cloud implementation? Let's find out.

How to Maximize ROI with Automated Testing

Here is how automated testing can lower the cost of your Oracle testing and improve the ROI:

Maximize ROI with automated testing-ACCELQ

1. Early Detection of Bugs and Errors

The later implementation bugs (or errors) are found in the application, the more expensive it is to fix the problem. Test automation improves the coverage of Oracle Cloud testing, thus making it more likely to detect flaws early in the development process. Early detection of bugs also accelerates application development, thus enabling faster releases.

2. Easier Scalability

With manual testing, organizations find it challenging to scale up their testing efforts for Oracle Cloud. Moreover, the cost of manual testing increases with the hiring of more software testers and QA engineers. Test automation is built for efficient scalability and does not incur higher expenses in the long run. For example, organizations can reuse automated test scripts at no additional cost.

3. Focused Testing

With automation testing, organizations can focus on the critical or all-important areas of their Oracle Cloud implementation. In essence, these are the high-risk areas that pose the highest business risk to their business processes. Thanks to focused testing, organizations can test a major portion of their high-risk functionalities in lesser time and effort.

4. Improved Product Quality

With the improved quality of Oracle Cloud application, organizations can easily maximize their ROI and revenues. Automated testing improves product quality through faster and earlier detection and resolution of application bugs. Test automation also improves test coverage, which is otherwise limited in manual testing.

5. Human Productivity

Automated testing requires a minimum (or no) human intervention. As Oracle test automation can run independently, QA and development teams can focus on more productive tasks. This, in turn, makes them more effective and efficient at their work.

How ACCELQ Can Help with Oracle Testing

With its no-code Oracle test automation platform, ACCELQ enables business enterprises to automate their test cases for the Oracle Cloud. Our team of Oracle experts can help you with the continuous development and testing of Oracle applications. With our AI-powered Oracle Cloud platform, you can achieve real-time release alignment of your Oracle Automation test assets.

Here is how you can benefit from our Oracle testing and debugging capabilities:

  • Quick turnarounds enabled by parallel executions
  • Cross-browser and platform testing in the cloud and on-premises environments
  • Faster decision-making enabled by real-time email notifications
  • Actionable report generation along with dynamic live results of testing
  • Fast and intuitive automation tests that are recurring, scheduled, or triggered automatically from process workflows.

Do you need professional help in testing your Oracle Cloud? Then get in touch with us today or sign-up for a product demo!

Nishan Joseph

VP Sales Engineering


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