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Migration to ACCELQ is Fast

Migration to ACCELQ platform from the likes of UFT, Selenium, TestProject and others is fast, efficient and scalable

No Need to Start Over


Q-Migrate automates migration of existing automation scripts to ACCELQ test assets using a suite of accelerators. Our solution is built to import tests whether it is UI functional automation or API automation. The ROI is almost immediate and exponentially grows over time with the modular and intelligent tests in ACCELQ.

Why Replace?

Hear it straight from our customers who have experienced the benefits of switch-over

API testing for us was being done well but only at unit level with Postman and SOAP UI. We were not able to achieve any reusability and structure for end-to-end validations

ACCELQ’s API testing brought regression maturity with ability to easily reuse and chain API tests for an integrated automation. ACCELQ also allowed to test UI and API in the same flow. And most importantly, there was no programming needed to build the API regression suite.

Ready to get started?

Experience fast and reliable migration to ACCELQ from the likes of UFT, Selenium and others


Explore Our Exciting Product Features

Focus on Business Process

A visual blueprint of your application which becomes the center of universe, driving entire Quality lifecycle.

Automate the Automation

Automation in an integral aspect of test authoring in ACCELQ. Develop scripts in plain, natural English.

API Testing

Ensure 360° quality coverage by seamlessly embedding critical server-side API validations along with your front-end testing.

Change Bot

Manage test assets across multiple revisions of application-under-test with the Smart View Analyzer.

Continuous Action Dashboard

Enable agile delivery with Continuous Action Dashboard which provides an integrated view of the entire SDLC status.

Integrated Data Designer

Capture the structure of test data based on business semantics. Test case generation is automated.

Get started on your Codeless Test Automation journey

Talk to ACCELQ Team and see how you can get started.

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