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What is Salesforce Automation-ACCELQ
Posted On: 22 November 2022

With customers getting increasingly demanding and competition getting increasingly cutthroat, there is a pressing need to streamline day-to-day sales activities. Although the Salesforce platform equips teams with cutting-edge capabilities, Salesforce automation can help eliminate a wide range of repetitive tasks. Such automation helps in making teams more productive while also increasing their ability to close deals.

What is Salesforce Automation?

Salesforce automation allows organizations to automate key elements of the sales process using advanced tools. By streamlining repetitive, time-consuming, and error-prone administrative tasks, such automation helps in improving sales productivity. As a result, organizations can more easily achieve their sales targets.

Using Salesforce automation, sales teams can spend more time on critical aspects of the sales lifecycle and not get bogged down by day-to-day administration. Leveraging automated workflows, the processes can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales process and management. Moreover, automation can help sales reps more easily manage leads, improve forecasts, and fuel team performance.

Why Do Organizations Need Salesforce Automation?

As the sales lifecycle gets increasingly complex, Salesforce automation helps in the quick and efficient completion of sales activities, leading to the easier accomplishment of sales targets.

More profoundly, using Salesforce automation, sales teams can:

  • Streamline complex sales activities, focus on tasks that need attention, and close more deals.
  • Improve the accuracy of sales forecasts and take immediate action on critical tasks.
  • More effectively track communications with customers and craft a comprehensive history of interactions.
  • Track leads across the sales pipeline – right from initial inquiry to closed deals.
  • Streamline data flow between different processes and systems, improving productivity and efficiency.
  • Drive better integration between siloed tools and get a clearer picture of past sales rep performance, ongoing interactions, and prospects.
  • Gather invaluable insights into key metrics and make adjustments across efforts that aren’t working.
  • Simplify day-to-day sales tasks and take steps to contribute to a far more effective sales strategy.

Salesforce Test Automation in Shifting Landscape

A Beginners’ Guide

Why is Salesforce Automation Testing Important?

Given the different sales approaches different organizations take to manage their sales activities, the number of unique workflows, custom input fields, and third-party integrations that are being implemented are many.

Although automating these aspects along the sales cycle helps in improving efficiency and functionality, not testing them appropriately can slow delivery cycles. Furthermore, it can lead to errors in the user interface.

Although Salesforce automation helps in guiding and assisting sales teams so they can more easily meet their targets, any kind of automation needs to be properly and continuously tested. Such testing ensures that workflows function as expected without any issue or error.

Diving Deeper into the Promise of Salesforce Automation Testing

Since no two Salesforce instances are the same, Salesforce automation testing ensures:

  • Your Salesforce instance is fit for purpose and always meets the needs of your employees so that they can serve customers in the best possible manner.
  • Seamlessly create new custom workflows and processes – without worrying about them breaking or not being aligned with larger business goals.
  • Easy and accurate creation of test models and scripts to test new Salesforce features and capabilities.
  • The Salesforce platform works seamlessly with numerous third-party applications, business-critical workflows, and back-end systems.
  • Accurate and proper functioning of all automated processes – using a single tool that delivers true end-to-end testing.
  • You can make the most of a model-based approach to testing both Classic and Lightning versions of your Salesforce instance.
  • You use a robust framework for proper testing of the user journey across different UIs, devices, and browsers – irrespective of how quickly your test scenarios change.
  • You can test every user journey and unique actions using AI and machine learning-based algorithms.
  • Easy scalability of test cases and test suites, expanding test coverage to new areas and avenues.
  • Your tests are robust, reusable, and do not break after every new release, update, or upgrade.
  • You get detailed insight into the number and type of bugs found and focus testing effort on aspects of your Salesforce platform that need the most attention.
  • Enhanced velocity and accuracy of every release cycle – without succumbing to the pressure of building and deploying different test cases for different use cases.
  • Quick, automated generation of test cases that are specific to your Salesforce platform, along with easy maintenance.

How ACCELQ Can Help

If you want to enable test automation that works just as fast as your Salesforce platform, ACCELQ can be the easiest and most sustainable way to automate web, mobile, desktop, database, and API testing. As the only continuous test automation and management platform listed on Salesforce App Exchange, the AI-driven, cloud-based tool allows organizations to enable seamless and accurate Salesforce automation testing – with zero coding.

Easy to set up and use, ACCELQ can help you:

  • Automate all aspects of the Salesforce quality lifecycle, right from test planning to test execution and beyond.
  • Leverage a design-first approach with inbuilt modularity to deliver quality Salesforce implementations.
  • Make the most of an enterprise and CI-ready scalable and secure platform for end-to-end Salesforce automation testing.
  • Enable manual testers and business analytics to automate key Salesforce automation tasks – without any programming knowledge.
  • Deliver early, in-sprint automation with industry-first virtualized abstraction for functional testing.
  • Enjoy AI-driven automation testing that is optimized for Salesforce-specific dynamic technology.
  • Ensure seamless and rich integration with an array of existing tools such as Jira, Jenkins, Bamboo, and more.

Summing Up

Salesforce automation can significantly improve the quality and levels of sales closures, sales administration time, and sales cycle timing. However, enabling seamless automation comes with its share of hurdles, which requires organizations to constantly test the accuracy and performance of their automated Salesforce workflows.

ACCELQ brings automated test design, development, planning, and tracking capabilities, all wrapped into a powerful cloud-based platform. Offering lightning and classic support for all Salesforce customers with cutting-edge self-healing automation capabilities, ACCELQ helps bring down automation maintenance by 70%.

Opting for a seamless, no-code automation tool like ACCELQ can help you handle complex Salesforce elements and iframes. You can also enable algorithmic and automated test case generation using Salesforce data models and deliver quality Salesforce implementations.

Sign up for a free trial today!

Nishan Joseph

VP Sales Engineering


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