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What is Unit Testing? 6 Best Practices to Do it Right

What is Unit Testing-ACCELQ
Posted On: 26 October 2023

Unit testing is a crucial aspect of automated testing for digital applications. It ensures stability and resilience by validating the performance of individual modules. However, choosing a unit testing strategy can be challenging due to different approaches used by testing teams. It is important to establish a shared understanding among stakeholders and agree on best practices before diving into unit testing.

What is Unit Testing?

What is Unit Testing?

Unit testing is a straightforward yet crucial part of software development. It involves testing the most minor parts of an application, called units, to ensure they work correctly. These units are often individual functions or sections of code.

In unit testing, the 'parts' are the smallest pieces of code that can operate independently in your software. These could be individual functions or methods. The ultimate goal is to test these parts separately to confirm they work exactly as they should.

By testing each small code unit, developers can identify and fix any issues early, long before the software is assembled into its final form. It's a proactive approach to prevent small errors from becoming big problems later.

Importance of Unit Testing

The essence of unit testing lies in its ability to meticulously scrutinize the most minor parts of an application, ensuring they work flawlessly on their own. This early-stage testing is important for several reasons:

Early Bug Detection: Unit testing catches bugs at the earliest stage of the development cycle. Identifying and fixing issues in small, isolated units prevents minor problems from escalating into more complex, system-wide bugs.

Code Quality Improvement: It encourages developers to write cleaner, more modular code. Since each unit must stand up to rigorous testing on its own, this leads to better-structured, more maintainable code.

Facilitates Refactoring: With a suite of unit tests, developers can refactor code confidently. If a change inadvertently introduces a bug, it's quickly caught by the existing tests.

Documentation: Unit tests serve as a practical form of documentation. They demonstrate how each component is intended to work, making it easier for new team members to understand the codebase.

Automating Unit Testing for Efficient Code Quality

Automated unit testing solutions ensure code safety, security, and reliability in software development. These solutions enable developers to efficiently generate and execute robust unit test cases, guaranteeing high-quality code across various platforms, hosts, virtual environments, and hardware targets.

Key features of unit testing include:

  1. AI-infused unit test generation: Leveraging artificial intelligence, unit testing tools can automatically generate effective test cases.
  2. Multi-metric code coverage analysis: Comprehensive code coverage analysis includes statement, line, branch, block, call, decision, single condition, and MC/DC coverage metrics.
  3. Powerful stub and mock framework: A robust stub and mock framework enables developers to simulate dependencies and test components in isolation.
  4. Automated cross-platform execution: Unit tests can be executed seamlessly across different platforms, ensuring consistent results regardless of the target environment.

Unit testing is an integral part of the software development process. Automated testing tools, similar to those used in system testing, greatly benefit developers and anyone involved in code execution.

Unit testing proves exceptionally valuable in embedded development environments, where hardware and software systems must work harmoniously and comply with stringent functional safety standards.

By quickly delivering reliable regression test suites, automated unit testing frameworks become essential during later stages of the software life cycle, especially when implementing software updates, patches, or accommodating new requirements.

Unit Testing Vs Other Testing Types

Unit testing stands distinct in the landscape of software testing methodologies. It zeroes in on the smallest components of a software application, typically individual functions or methods, to ensure they function correctly in isolation. This microscopic focus sets it apart from other testing types like integration testing, which evaluates the interactions and interfaces between units, or system testing, which assesses the entire application's functionality.

The precision of unit testing offers a foundational check, ensuring that each building block of the application is robust before it's integrated into the more extensive system. This approach contrasts broader testing strategies that overlook minute details in individual components but focus on the overall performance and user experience.

How To Write Unit Testing?

To effectively conduct unit testing, developers typically follow a structured approach:

Identify the Unit for Testing: Determine the most minor code that can be tested independently. This could be a function, method, or class.

Write Test Cases: Develop test cases that cover various scenarios, including regular, boundary, and error conditions. Each test case should be designed to test a specific aspect of the unit's functionality.

Isolate the Unit: Ensure that the unit is tested in isolation. This might involve using stubs or mocks to simulate the behavior of external dependencies.

Run the Tests: Execute the test cases using a unit testing framework appropriate for the programming language used, such as JUnit for Java or NUnit for .NET.

Review Test Results: Analyze the results of the test cases. Successful tests indicate that the unit is functioning as expected, while failed tests require reviewing and modifying the code.

Refactor and Retest: After making any necessary changes to the code, re-run the tests to ensure that the unit still performs correctly and that no new issues have been introduced.

What Are the Best Practices for Unit Testing?

6 Best Practices for Unit Testing-ACCELQ

Now that you have a clear idea of what is unit testing and why enterprises need to focus on implementation, it is time to learn about the best practices.

We have outlined six major best practices for unit testing that will guarantee better results and ensure profitable and sustainable testing coverage for your application development projects.

Create reliable and clear unit tests

Writing reliable unit tests is the first step to building a great unit testing practice. The test suite must be able to report unexpected or suspicious behavior observed during testing. It should not simply report the stage at which this test succeeds in delivering an expected output or outcome.

Mandate automation in unit testing

Manual bias may often create unsatisfactory test results. It can lead to future complications if defects are not detected early. Mandating automated testing strategies in your technology operations is important to prevent this situation. Automated unit testing delivers faster feedback and provides significantly higher code coverage and controlled parallel processing of test cases. It allows test engineers to work more efficiently with less time.

Prioritize attention to use cases

One of the critical aims of unit testing is to ensure that the code is easily maintainable. Moreover, ensures that new developers can understand it without any issues. Focusing on a single use case at a time and prioritizing the rest in sequence makes it easier to validate outcomes against expected results.

Speed up tests with better isolation

You should carry out Unit tests in isolation without depending on other tests and mocking external dependencies. Making them simpler and independent modules can help in faster code coverage. Automation can boost it further. All these measures help to speed up the test activity. This is a critical factor that makes unit testing more appealing for developers. If it consumes too much time, convincing developers to wait long to push their code into the next stage will be tough.

Integrate unit testing into the build process

While developers following a Test Driven Development (TDD) model will provide sufficient coverage for unit testing, making it a part of the build process for additional safety is always best. While going in for end-to-end test automation, the build process will ensure that all unit tests are executed. And will also notify the respective stakeholders about any failure when any test fails.

Follow distinguishable and simple test nomenclature

Test activities are also a stage for documentation of process workflows. If every unit test is named in a standard convention that explains the scenario being tested, it will be easier to document. The further use of these cases across the organization when different stakeholders are trained on applications also becomes easy. The naming convention also enables better identification of defect causes for other test approaches like integration testing, acceptance testing, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Unit Testing

Advantages of Unit Testing:

  1. Quality Issue Identification: Unit testing helps identify defects related to safety, security, and reliability, ensuring higher code quality.
  2. Validation of Functional Requirements: Unit testing ensures that the functional requirements of individual code units are met, promoting accurate functionality.
  3. Structural Code Coverage: Unit testing aids in achieving comprehensive code coverage, ensuring that different code paths are tested.
  4. Compliance Requirements: Unit testing helps satisfy compliance requirements, ensuring that the code adheres to regulatory standards.
  5. Regression Testing: Unit tests can be reused to detect code regressions, assuring that changes or updates do not break existing functionality.
  6. Simplified Debugging: By testing individual units in isolation, unit testing simplifies the debugging process, making locating and fixing issues easier.
  7. Application Metrics: Unit testing provides valuable metrics on the health of the application and highlights areas of concern or potential bottlenecks.

Disadvantages of Unit Testing:

  1. Limited Application Flaw Detection: While unit testing is effective at catching certain flaws, it does not cover all possible issues that may arise in the application, such as integration or system-level defects.
  2. Time and Labor Intensive: Manual unit testing can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially when dealing with complex codebases or a large number of units to test.
  3. Limited Suitability for GUI Testing: Unit testing is not particularly suitable for graphical user interface (GUI) testing, as it primarily focuses on individual code units rather than user interactions and visual elements.
  4. Test Management Complexity: Managing a large number of unit tests can become challenging with proper automation and test management tools, making it easier to track and maintain the tests effectively.

Overall, unit testing offers significant advantages in terms of code quality, functional validation, and defect identification. However, it also has limitations when it comes to certain types of testing and can be resource-intensive without automation and proper test management practices.


Unit testing will be a critical component of modern application quality assurance initiatives. Facilitating a seamless execution of unit testing is what many enterprises will find hard to achieve. This is where automation of test activities can be a lifesaver.

Book a demo to know how ACCELQ can help you automate your end-to-end test initiatives.

Geosley Andrades

Director, Product Evangelist at ACCELQ

Geosley is a Test Automation Evangelist and Community builder at ACCELQ. Being passionate about continuous learning, Geosley helps ACCELQ with innovative solutions to transform test automation to be simpler, more reliable, and sustainable for the real world.

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