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About this episode:

It is no secret that Test Automation helps you get the Product feedback to a considerable extent faster and helps you ship the Product to the Market in time. But while the capabilities are there, more often than not, we see Automation Projects failing to deliver the expected outcomes due to several reasons. Frameworks being scrapped and projects being restarted is not a new sight. Let’s understand why these failures occur, and how one can do it right the very first time while we discuss this topic in-depth with our amazing guest, Carlos Kidman.

About Carlos Kidman

Carlos Kidman is the Founder of QA at the Point and an open-source developer who has created tools like Selenium. He is an Engineering Manager and Test Architect at Adobe. He also creates content and shares knowledge with the community through workshops and presentations, YouTube videos, streams on Twitch, as an instructor on Test Automation University, as a podcast host for the Ministry of Testing, and more!

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Q Community Member

Q-Community - A Global Community of Test Automation enthusiasts with a primary objective to find and nurture ways to transform test automation to be simpler, more reliable, and sustainable for the real world.

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