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Top 10 Oracle Cloud Testing Challenges

Challenges of Oracle Cloud Testing
Posted On: 14 February 2024

The Oracle Cloud universe is comprehensive and complex. The Oracle Cloud Suite has been driving enterprises of today and capably running the entire application portfolio, including mission-critical workloads. It offers a host of applications to help enterprises drive competitiveness and good business outcomes.

Given its impact, Oracles continues to dominate the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Cloud HCM Suites for the sixth year in a row.

However, the Oracle Cloud universe is expanding fast. Along with this is a dynamic update environment with frequent patch releases to keep the solution current and enterprise-ready. The performance and reliability of the cloud and the applications it hosts, however, directly rest on testing proficiency. But, owing to the complexity of the Oracle universe, testing the applications is not very simple.

In this blog, we discuss the following Oracle Cloud testing challenges and the ways to mitigate them.

Oracle Cloud Testing Challenges

1. Regular Cloud App Updates

Oracle has a suite of cloud apps and software applications that broadly span categories such as Customer Relationship Management, Human Capital Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, and Supply Chain Management.

These applications are tailored to meet specific business needs and have short update cycles. The updates deliver new functionality, features, performance improvements, and bug fixes to improve cloud performance and boost business outcomes.

For testers, this means that they must:

  • Validate the correct implementation of each update.
  • Conduct thorough regression and integration testing to ensure that the applications run as intended every time an update is released.

However, conducting regression testing quarterly across the cloud application suite, while preserving customizations, poses significant challenges. The process becomes notably effort-intensive and time-draining for testing teams, especially in the absence of test automation.

2. Ensuring the Testing of Essential Procedures

The Oracle Cloud's applications are inherently dynamic, lacking fixed attributes such as IDs, names, CSS selectors, and iFrames. Testers have to make sure that they are testing all the essential procedures and performing end-to-end testing.

However, new feature updates can potentially interfere with established business processes. Consequently, it becomes essential for testers to complete testing all essential procedures within a two-week window post-release.

It is imperative that testers identify all the essential procedures and carefully determine which business process to test within the stipulated time of two weeks. Unless all essential processes are tested, they stand a chance to fail.

3. Performance Bottlenecks

Identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks are essential to ensure scalability, quick response times, throughput, and resource utilization. However, applications must be tested thoroughly under several loads and conditions.

Identifying these performance bottlenecks can often become time-consuming in the absence of skilled resources owing to dynamic objects, extreme customizations, and other complexities.

4. Requirement for Technical Expertise

Given the robust update environment, testing the Oracle Cloud demands significant testing expertise. The object-heavy applications, dynamic resources, and customizations need testing knowledge.

Moreover, testers need to conduct rigorous functional and technical analyses of each new functionality. They also need to account for the thousands of customizations in place and ensure that every scenario is thoroughly tested within a short timeframe. However, the limited time and resources can impact testing outcomes and application quality and output.

5. Security and Compatibility

Testing security controls, access and authentication controls and procedures, and data encryption are essential. Apart from that, testers need to conduct vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to unearth and fix security issues.

Along with this, it is imperative to check that the Oracle databases interface with a wide range of applications, operating systems, and hardware configurations. Testing these and ensuring they are compatible and work flawlessly across environments and components is important.

6. Maximizing Test Coverage

Maximizing test coverage becomes a challenge for testers, given the undefined testing scope of the Oracle Cloud. The tight two-week window for testing and implementing Oracle's updates further complicates the endeavor to broaden test coverage.

It's here that accelerating testing velocity becomes critical. It can significantly contribute to maximizing test coverage and ensuring that every application aspect works as intended.

7. Effective Test Data Management

Navigating the test data challenge is crucial to ensure robust testing. However, getting the right test data is difficult for most testers.

For effective test data management, testers have to:

  • Use the appropriate Oracle testing tools.
  • Ensure availability of test data.
  • Guarantee easy retrieval and updating of data within Oracle databases.

8. The Need for Production Environment Updates

Along with rigorous application testing, the production environment necessitates periodic updates. However, doing this four times a year can cause significant challenges and inflate testing costs considerably.

9. Disaster Recovery and Backup

Given the importance of the Oracle Cloud in defining business outcomes, it becomes essential to have a robust disaster recovery and backup in case of unexpected events or system failures.

Testers, as such, must not only plan for testing the applications but also define backup and recovery methods that include disaster recovery plans. Testing these ensures that the system can be restored with minimal downtime.

10. Regulatory Compliance

Testers also need to ensure that the Oracle cloud complies with regulations and standards such as data protection legislation (e.g., GDPR) or industry-specific rules (e.g., HIPAA for healthcare) based on their sector and geographical area.

How ACCELQ Can Help Address Oracle Cloud Testing Challenges

Accelerating the testing velocity is essential to address the top concerns of Oracle Cloud testing. To that end, test automation for Oracle Cloud becomes vital to ensure that testers can expand their testing footprint and complete testing within the stipulated timeframe. However, all test automation tools are not equal.

Script-based test automation software can impact testing efficiency as the complexity of the Oracle Cloud universe can break tests. Testers then have to spend significant time creating test scripts. Most platforms also do not account for the dynamic objects and customizations at play.

Here's how ACCELQ solves all these problems:

No-Code Platform with Real-Time Alignment

ACCELQ's no-code, AI-powered test automation platform addresses all the challenges experienced during Oracle Cloud testing. This powerful platform offers no-code test automation across Oracle suites and also ensures real-time release alignment of Oracle automation test assets.

Deep Vendor Alignment for Easy Updates

Deep vendor alignment ensures all updates take place seamlessly as the platform provides a live cloud link that auto-updates automation assets. Pre-built codeless test assets further help accelerate testing velocity while ensuring comprehensive test coverage.

Dynamic Object Identification

ACCELQ provides a codeless approach to testing all Oracle Cloud applications and a business process representation of test assets. Simple no-code handling of Oracle objects like embedded iFrames, trees, etc., and self-healing object identification provide robust test automation and help testers manage the complexities of Oracle Cloud.

A comprehensive codeless approach to validation logic for dynamic objects and regular object library updates further simplifies complex Oracle Cloud testing.

Automated Regression Execution for Speed

ACCELQ also delivers in-sprint automation for shift left testing. Risk and defect-based Oracle test planning and test suite tracking alongside integration with CI pipeline for automated regression executions further simply the complexity of testing Oracle Cloud.

Parallel Executions to Schedule Runs

ACCELQ also supports parallel executions and allows enterprises to schedule runs that can be triggered by CI workflows. Dynamic live results views with actionable reports to trigger reruns take care of testing efficiency and maintain the performance of Oracle Cloud.

Connect with our team of experts to see how ACCELQ can transform Oracle Cloud testing for your enterprise.

Suma Ganji

Senior Content Writer

Expertly navigating technical and UX writing, she crafts captivating content that hits the mark every time. With a keen SEO understanding, her work consistently resonates with readers while securing prime online visibility. When the day's work ends, you'll find her immersed in literary escapades in her quaint book house.

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