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One for All - Automate, Manual & API

Next-gen Agile Quality Management platform to help you achieve Continuous Delivery


Why Choose Us?

Codeless With a Difference

ACCELQ is the only tool in the market with a holistic view to codeless philosophy.

ACCELQ brings the discipline, flexibility and the power of conventional code-based setup into codeless world. Here are some of our key differentiators.

In-sprint automation without need for programming
Enable manual testers to automate testing
Visual application model for lifecycle automation
Self-healing autonomic test automation
API and UI automated in the same flow
Automated test case generation & data planning
Built-in test management and planning capabilities
Seamless CI/CD integration and natural traceability

Our Customers love
what we do

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Explore Our Exciting Product Features

Focus on Business Process

A visual blueprint of your application which becomes the center of universe, driving entire Quality lifecycle.

API Testing

Ensure 360° quality coverage by seamlessly embedding critical server-side API validations along with your front-end testing.

Continuous Action Dashboard

Enable agile delivery with Continuous Action Dashboard which provides an integrated view of the entire SDLC status.

Automate the Automation

Automation in an integral aspect of test authoring in ACCELQ. Develop scripts in plain, natural English.

Change Bot

Manage test assets across multiple revisions of application-under-test with the Smart View Analyzer.

Integrated Data Designer

Capture the structure of test data based on business semantics. Test case generation is automated.

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