We couldn’t be more excited to bring out our 5.1 Release this March!
So, what makes this Release special?
ACCELQ 5.1 brings significant new capabilities across Automate Web, API, and Mobile products. This Release delivers a great combination of next-gen and core functionality upgrades to improve efficiency and adoption needed for faster outcomes.
Here is a sneak peek from a comprehensive list of features being rolled out. Save your seat now for the webinar where we will cover in detail with a live demo and walkthrough.
Test Development
Significant enhancements to speed up test development such as inline editing, lists & map support, multiple browser sessions and more.
Self-Healing just got a lot smarter with all new algorithms enhancing the effectiveness across wider and more complex scenarios.
Mobile Automation
WebView has long been a huge issue with traditional automation, ACCELQ now seamlessly supports no-code WebView's.
Reporting & Management
Enhanced reports with detailed zoom-in for efficient troubleshooting. Test Asset exports and view enhancements for tracking and reporting.
Test Executions
Mobile and Web provider can be chosen separately. Mobile agent is now Zero-setup and also supports iOS devices on Windows.
Integrations & More
Lots of key enhancements like
- Perfecto Integration
- Saucelabs Mobile support
- CircleCI integration
- Other key enhancements
Read more about What’s New in 5.1 Release Here
Watch the Recording

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Q Community aims to build and serve a community of Test Automation enthusiasts with a primary objective to find and nurture ways to transform test automation to be simpler, more reliable, and sustainable for the real world. Our vision is to drive community initiatives to make Automation easily accessible to the project teams and eliminate traditional skill-based silos within organizations. Keeping in line with the latest trends in the technology space, No-Code is explored as one of the primary means to achieve this objective.